Directed by Emile Ardolino Released August 21, 1987 Written by Eleanor Bergstein Movie Synopsis Courtesy of IMDB "Spending the summer as a Catskills resort with her family, Frances 'Baby' Houseman falls in love with the camp's dance instructor, Johnny Castle." I would say that Dirty Dancing is another classic in terms of movies as a whole. It is one of those movies where even if you haven't seen it (which is crazy to think about) you at least have heard of it and know about the iconic dance scene. But we will discuss that scene later. Something interesting to think about is the fact that this movie was suppose to take place in 1963, but was filmed in the late 80s. I never knew that, that was the time period for the movie! Thinking about it now, it makes sense, but that is not the initial vibe I get. I think that is in part to the hair styles and the clothes seeming very 80s. Just look at the workout/dance clothes that Baby wears, it is...
One of the most common phrases that comes out of my mouth is "I wish I was born in the 80's." There is something about that time period that connects with me: the music, the fashion, and especially the movies. This blog will be used to talk about some of my favorite 80's movies. Chances are I will go on tangents about pretty much anything about that movie. I am starting by doing the 14 movies that I own, then I will move on to more 80s that I have seen.