Directed by Rob Reiner Released November 26th, 1986 Novel by Stephen King Screenplay by Raynold Gideon & Bruce A. Evans Movie Synopsis Courtesy of IMDB "After the death of one of his friends, a writer recounts a boyhood journey with his friends to find the body of a missing boy." Stand By Me I think falls into the category of a John Hughes type of movie, which is to say it portrays kids in a real way. It isn't forced, it doesn't feel like adults trying to think like kids. The authenticity about it makes the audience remember back to their childhoods and things they used to do and think about at the age of 12 or 13. Yeah this movie could seem like The Breakfast Club or Fast Times at Ridgemont High in the sense that not a lot happens and we are just following around a group of friends. But when done well, movies like that carry more of an impact because they are relatable to the audience therefore the audience doesn't get bored...
One of the most common phrases that comes out of my mouth is "I wish I was born in the 80's." There is something about that time period that connects with me: the music, the fashion, and especially the movies. This blog will be used to talk about some of my favorite 80's movies. Chances are I will go on tangents about pretty much anything about that movie. I am starting by doing the 14 movies that I own, then I will move on to more 80s that I have seen.