Directed by Stephen Herek Released February 17, 1989 Written by Chris Matheson & Ed Solomon Movie Synopsis Courtesy of IMDB "Two seemingly dumb teens set off on a quest to prepare the ultimate historical presentation with the help of a time machine." So the easiest way to explain this film is to just watch this honest trailer. There we go, blog done. That's all you need to know. Well the trailer is pretty accurate in terms of the kind of movie this is. In simple terms, it is a typical "dude" film. Not in terms of it being two guys together, but in the stereotyping and characterization of the high school slacker/dumb/surfer/stoner/band guy. Where the word dude is used more than actual words out of the character's mouth. It is the type of film that needs very little brain power and a lot of reliance on jokes based on stupidity. Now that isn't me saying that the film is necessarily stupid, I just mean in terms of joke...
One of the most common phrases that comes out of my mouth is "I wish I was born in the 80's." There is something about that time period that connects with me: the music, the fashion, and especially the movies. This blog will be used to talk about some of my favorite 80's movies. Chances are I will go on tangents about pretty much anything about that movie. I am starting by doing the 14 movies that I own, then I will move on to more 80s that I have seen.