Directed by Rick Rosenthal Released October 30, 1981 Written by John Carpenter & Debra Hill Movie Synopsis Courtesy of IMDB "While Sheriff Brackett and Dr. Loomis hunt for Michael Myers, a traumatized Laurie is rushed to hospital, and the serial killer is not far behind her." In celebration of Halloween this week, I decided to break the order of my movies and go with a festive 80s movie. Now you might be wondering, why I am starting with Halloween II instead of the original Halloween? Well the original was actually made in 1978, so I couldn't put it in this blog. Therefore, I went straight to the sequel for this week's blog. So for those of you who didn't see the original, you might be a little confused on this movie. What I loved about this sequel is that it really does start right where the first movie ended. Not just moving on in hopes that you remembered what happened in the first, but it actually takes the last five or so minutes...
One of the most common phrases that comes out of my mouth is "I wish I was born in the 80's." There is something about that time period that connects with me: the music, the fashion, and especially the movies. This blog will be used to talk about some of my favorite 80's movies. Chances are I will go on tangents about pretty much anything about that movie. I am starting by doing the 14 movies that I own, then I will move on to more 80s that I have seen.