Directed by John Hughes Released August 2, 1985 Written by John Hughes Movie Synopsis Courtesy of IMDB "Two high school nerds attempt to create the perfect woman, but she turns out to be more than that." Welcome to another edition of John Hughes owned the movie industry in the 80s. It seems like I can't go more than a few weeks without bringing up his name. In this classic, we see a lot of the staples of the 80s that I have discussed before. With that being said, a lot of what I am going to talk about is more about the story lines/situations in the movie. Before we get into those story lines, can we just acknowledge for a moment those horrible gym clothes. I have known for a long time that back in the 70s and 80s short-shorts on guys was a norm, but it is still an unusual sight to see. Could they have made those any tighter or shorter? Present day, you put girls in those kinds of outfits, let alone guys, you would be in some serious trouble...
One of the most common phrases that comes out of my mouth is "I wish I was born in the 80's." There is something about that time period that connects with me: the music, the fashion, and especially the movies. This blog will be used to talk about some of my favorite 80's movies. Chances are I will go on tangents about pretty much anything about that movie. I am starting by doing the 14 movies that I own, then I will move on to more 80s that I have seen.