Directed by Savage Steve Holland Released August 8th, 1986 Written by Savage Steve Holland Movie Synopsis Courtesy of IMDB "An aspiring teenage cartoonist and his friends come to the aid of a singer trying to save her family property from developers." So many of you are going to be surprised by this, I actually enjoyed this movie! Which is surprising for two reasons. One, it is clearly a stupid movie. I mean just watch the trailer if you haven't seen the movie before. That guy's voice in itself explains a lot. But reason two that it is surprising that I enjoyed this movie is because I am not a huge John Cusack fan. I can honestly say, though, I enjoyed his performance in this movie. Maybe because compared to most of the other characters he was the normal one? Even more normal than his strange character in Say Anything... Now I think the reason that I didn't mind this kind of stupid movie is because it was done with a purpose. Th...
Directed by Howard Deutch Released June 17th, 1988 Written by John Hughes Movie Synopsis Courtesy of IMDB "A Chicago man's hope for a peaceful family vacation in the woods is shattered when the annoying in-laws drop in." Alright, I was pleasantly surprised with this movie! I was a little worried at first because of some of the people who had recommended this movie to me. Let's just say we normally have different definitions of funny. But this movie really did come through! It was entertaining, the jokes weren't super cheesy, and it had two of my favorite Johns. What also surprised me was the fact that this movie was written by my hero John Hughes (John #1). I had no idea, but it also has me thinking. John Hughes always directed his own movies, so the fact that he didn't direct this movie makes me question as to why. So the first thing that I found is that this wasn't the first time Hughes and Deutch worked together. Apparently, Hug...